Taking care of yourself by combining essential oils and plants is now possible thanks to the properties of micelles which love and attract water on one side (hydrophilic) and avoid it on the other (hydrophobic). While the former preserves the qualities of aqueous plant extracts, the latter acts like a magnet on oils. Phyto Aromicell’R® bio is a natural range created by 3 Chênes® which combines the benefits of essential oils and plant extracts, with an immediate and long-lasting double effect. Digestive disorders have multiple causes and simple (seasonal) changes in eating habits, lifestyle (on vacation for example) or a small drop in fitness quickly cause digestive discomfort? The Liver Detox reference acts in two stages to reduce digestive disorders and restore liver functions. The ampoule form is suitable for people who have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules; Fatigue, lack of energy and reduced immunity are inconveniences easily combated by plants and essential oils.
Phyto Aromicell’R® organic Liver Detox contains:
- lemon essential oil known for its immediate digestive tonic properties
- burdock which improves the functions of the liver and gallbladder.
- black radish juice which reduces digestive disorders, cleanses and tones the liver.
- artichoke which helps regenerate the liver thanks to cynarin, a powerful detoxifier.